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Djapo wins award 'Heroes of Democracy'

22 April 2024

This spring, the renowned Belgian magazine Knack went in search of organizations that strengthen democracy. In april the winners were announced: Beste Burger (Zuidpoort) won the jury award and Djapo won the audience award! *proud*

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A total of 20 items found. Showing 20 items on page 1 of 3.

Who takes care of our teachers and principals?

6 November 2024

Teacher shortage, administrative burdens, demotivated students: teachers and school boards face a mountain of challenges. How can we take better care of the people who help our children and young people grow up? Read how the European LIFE project can provide an answer.

Deplastify the Planet: lessons inspired by a comic book

11 October 2024

In April 2024 a special comic book was presented at the Belgian high school Saint Gummarus College: Plastica's Revenge. With this English-language comic book, students from six European countries want to make other young people aware of the widespread use of single-use plastics. The project group engaged Djapo to develop two lessons so teachers can use the comic book in their lessons. The lessons are available in both Dutch and English.

"Our students turned out to be science researchers"

In practice
5 August 2024

During the 2023-2024 school year elementary school VBS Sleutelhof participated in the European COSMOS project. Headmistress Tine Hendrickx and teacher Sarah Herman explain how their pupils turned out to be real researchers who managed to reduce the school's carbon footprint.

"Keep communicating: that's the lesson I take away as principal

6 June 2024

In 2024, 11 Flemish teachers and school directors take part in the European LIFE project. They start a search for the meaning of their personal and professional lives and reflect on important life questions. But how does such a journey affects a person? And does LIFE also have an impact on their job? We asked Leen Langenbick, principal of Torhout Art Academy.

Djapo wins award 'Heroes of Democracy'

22 April 2024

This spring, the renowned Belgian magazine Knack went in search of organizations that strengthen democracy. In april the winners were announced: Beste Burger (Zuidpoort) won the jury award and Djapo won the audience award! *proud*

Ask the farmer!

23 February 2024

How much energy does a greenhouse consume? What is the farmer's view of animal welfare? During class visits, farmers and horticulturists receive more and more of these questions. To support them, the Province of East Flanders started the project 'Boer(in): maat van het klimaat'. Farmers and horticulturalists learn how to initiate a conversation about societal issues with children and youngsters. "And that conversation is much needed," says Monique Vervaet of goat farm 't Eikenhof in Lokeren.

"Educational quality, student welfare, teacher welfare: what do you focus on as a school?"

21 February 2024

Four years ago, the Daltonatheneum Het Leerlabo in Westerlo was in crisis. "The previous management team had left, the teachers had no tools to deal with the rebellious youngsters," says pupils’ coordinator Nele Verdonck. Nele was new to the school team at the time, as was headmaster Hilde Raets. Together they started a search for more connection within the school team and more room for authenticity.

'Who am I, what can I do, what do I want'?

11 September 2023

Besides qualification and socialisation, personality formation is an important function of education. Yet this search for one's own identity sometimes remains underexposed. Prof Katrien Van Poeck explains how Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) offers opportunities for personality formation in the classroom.