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How is a smartphone made?

In practice
6 March 2023

The 5th grade at Don Bosco Heverlee knows the answer thanks to the European project Sharepair. Find out how the children got to work with the teaching materials Djapo developed for Sharepair.

Repair? Great option!

If we want to move towards a circular economy, we need to choose to repair broken electrical and electronic items more often. That is why the European project Sharepair is developing digital tools to encourage citizen initiatives for repair solutions. Sharepair also sees an important role for education. Because if you introduce children and young people early on to the importance of repairing, they are more likely to see repairing as a valid option.

Commissioned by Sharepair, Djapo developed lessons for primary and secondary education. We tested the lessons for primary schools with Miss Anke and Miss Klara from the 5thgrade at Don Bosco Primary School in Heverlee (Belgium).

Growing outrage

During the first lesson, students zoomed in on the path smartphones take before they end up in shops. And that road often starts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where people dig up cobalt in appalling conditions. That mineral is a crucial raw material for smartphones, laptops and electric cars.

"Most students use a smartphone but don't know the story behind it," teacher Anke says. "During the lesson, I noticed that their indignation grew. It was an intensive lesson, because a lot of information was shared. But the message got through. And we learned a lot."

"The wheel of feelings led to a valuable discussion. And it worked well because the students were able to talk from their feelings."

Juf Klara
5th grade Don Bosco Heverlee

YouTube tutorials and banners

In the second lesson, students were introduced to different perspectives towards recovery through character cards. They met Hakim, who had to find a cheap solution for his broken smartphone battery. And they met Mike, who works in a cobalt mine, earning money for his whole family.

"Then they explored their own point of view through the wheel of feelings. And that led to a valuable discussion," says teacher Klara. "The children listened to each other, picked up on each other's answers ... And it all worked well because they could talk from their feelings. Very nice!"

The teaching material also challenged the class to come up with creative solutions for broken smartphones, hairdryers and electric cars. "I would look for a tutorial on YouTube to fix the device myself," suggested one group. But it could also be more ambitious: "I would hire a plane with a big banner at the back: 'Who wants to fix my hairdryer?'"

Climate camping at school

According to teacher Anke and teacher Klara, the lessons have made an impact. "Most pupils now realise how important it is to repair broken electrical appliances," says teacher Anke. "Repair is really an option. Also for me: I am now more likely to step to a Repair Café."

Whether Miss Anke and Miss Klara will repeat the lessons in the future? "Probably during the climate camp that we organise every year with the 4th and 5th grade. We all stay overnight at school, in tents, and we organise all kinds of activities around sustainability and climate. An ideal time to highlight Sharepair's lessons. Because when you work thematically, the subject matter often sticks longer."

Published on 6 March 2023

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